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School Safety Plan


Las Palmas Elementary School is committed to the safety and security of each student. To maintain these conditions which contribute to the best possible learning environment, the School Safety Plan includes the following elements:

 School Crime Assessment:

 Las Palmas Elementary School provides compiled school crime information each month for the California Safe School Assessment as mandated by the State of California. This information is analyzed at each school site to determine what steps may be taken to reduce incidents of crime.

Child Abuse Reporting:

Teachers and other school employees are required by law to report any cases of suspected child abuse or child neglect. Reports are investigated by the Department of Social Services to determine if any follow-up on the report is necessary.

Disaster Procedures:

In order to ensure the safety of students and school personnel, the school safety committee has created a comprehensive Disaster Preparedness Plan. Emergency drills are held once a month and evaluated for effectiveness.

 School Discipline:

Las Palmas Elementary School has created a schoolwide discipline plan in order to communicate high standards and expectations and to hold students accountable for their behavior. The discipline plan is given to every student and reviewed in student assemblies or classroom presentations. Staff members consistently enforce the schoolwide standards.

 Procedures to Notify Teachers of Dangerous Pupils:

If a student is deemed dangerous because of behavior at school or behavior outside of school which has been dealt with by county juvenile authorities, the teacher(s) of the student will be promptly notified of the status of the student.

Sexual Harassment Policy:

Las Palmas Elementary School strictly adheres to CUSD policies which prohibit sexual harassment or discrimination of any kind. The sexual harassment policy is distributed to each student at the beginning of the school year, and employees are advised of their duty to take prompt action if they become aware of any incidents of sexual harassment. 

Schoolwide Dress Code: 

Las Palmas Elementary School believes that a clearly defined dress code contributes to a positive school environment. The primary standards for student dress and grooming include: the student should be neat and clean at school, and the student should not wear clothing that compromises safety or modesty or that is disruptive to the educational process.

Safe and Orderly Environment: 

Las Palmas Elementary School believes a safe and orderly environment is necessary to ensure a positive learning experience for all students. Regular supervision of students is the core of creating and maintaining a safe and orderly environment. Teachers, administrators, campus supervisors and parent volunteers consistently supervise and interact with students to reinforce behavioral expectations and safety standards.